Saturday, June 7, 2008

What's your problem?

(In conversation with a lab mate who has just joined, discussing each other's projects)

Me: So what do you work on?

Labmate: I work on ... blah blah blah.

Me: Hey, that's cool!

Labmate: And what's your problem?


Angika said...

Hahahahahahahaha! Oh God. I really laughed at that one!

sujaan said...

LOL, was funny...u gotta have a problem in science...

Ranga said...

@ Angika
U shud have seen the sheepish grin that she gave me after what she said. Twas hilarious!

Ranga said...

@ Sujaan

Yeah! Talk about 'Open problems in chemistry'. This thought struck me while I was chatting with a friend - it was something I had never thought about. Have u ever pondered over this?

sujaan said... it was a i get it...flirting with problems, but u have no problems with flirting...

Ranga said...

@ Sujaan

Understanding ur comment was the only problem I had :) This one wasn't bad at all. What has Amreeka done to u?